Which Exit Do I Take?
The mind and the heart travel on two separate roads. Occasionally, the roads merge, but often, the heart’s path is simply an exit placed along the track of the wandering mind. In fact, the heart seems to place several exit signs on your path until you decide to take one.
The gut of the heart is a stubborn one. The heart wants what it wants. A mind can be influenced. It can be redirected. But a heart yearns. It craves. It controls.
The mind is ego-based. It is also quite stubborn. It acknowledges what the heart wants, but it still thinks at its own pace. The mind echoes that it is okay to focus on the its selfish desires rather than the heart’s needs.
So… which route do you take? Do you continue following what you want? Or do you accept the universe’s guidance- knowing there will be some pain? Moreover, if the exit is what you need, why is there so much emotion associated with taking it? Why are there tears? Why is there hurt?
The easy answer for not allowing change- not allowing a modification in scenery to occur- is your current comfort. You get so used to driving at the same speed in the same direction. Yes, there have been some pauses, some “bumps in the road” (lmao that pun killed me), but you don’t mind because overall, the road is predictable.
You may also be afraid. Scared to make that one decision that could alter everything. I mean, if you’re comfortable with where you are, why would you travel in an unknown direction and risk all that you currently have?
It’s such a challenging situation when something feels so right yet so wrong. All solutions dictating where to make that turn onto the new course are personal. There is no “right” answer, because any lesson that you need to be taught will be learned at some point. However, sometimes we all need to remind ourselves that change is what creates us. Change is what gives us a road to travel on.
The heart will get what it eventually needs. And just to be clear, the heart is the soul’s voice… when I say need, I’m referencing to the intangible desires. For example, you don’t “need” a specific person. The significance for why you yearn might be the need for self-love- putting yourself before others. Or, perhaps, you need to learn to let go of attachment. Despite whatever the stubborn heart attempts to convey, the lesson will inevitably be learned at some point.
There is no complete, concrete map of all the places you will go. Broad destinations you’ll travel to are mapped out, but part of reaching your destination is discovering new roads and paving your own way. Go where your curiosity leads you. Focus on what you need. Focus on your underlying reasons for why you want. Think about what is holding you back, and then be open to your heart guiding you.
Ultimately, you will always reach your destination.