Higher Power
I do not believe in worshipping an entity that is higher than us- believed to have more power than us. I believe in choice. I believe we have chosen which lessons to learn, which major paths to take, who to learn from, who to teach… A separate being- “God”- did not choose it for us. We chose it for us. I believe we are all “God”. I believe we are our beliefs…
I do not believe in advocating for only one specific group’s equality. Because the moment you place more importance for one section of humanity over the entire population, the division becomes thicker, labels become more distinct, and the idea of equality diminishes.
I do not believe that it is necessary to own an assault rifle. I believe that the right to bear arms was written during a time when such a powerful object was not as accurate, fast, and effective as it is in our modern world. I do not believe in supporting wars- having pride in a strong military responsible for taking lives and losing lives to allegedly reduce a conflict.
I do not believe humans are the most superior of beings. I believe every animal is God, just as humans are. I do not believe that choosing to be ignorant towards animal cruelty- such as factory farming or animal testing- gives us the freedom to continue supporting those industries.
I do not believe that hunger should exist. I believe the division of money between categories such as military and education should be reevaluated. I believe we should redirect our passion and commitment for specific sports teams into being devoted to cause change. I believe we have the resources to ensure everybody has food, and that everybody is able to have their basic needs met.
I do not believe we are free. Whether enslaved to a religion, a relationship based on attachment, an expectation for something, a job we do not fall in love with more and more everyday … most of us commit to the game without even recognizing that we are the pawns.
I believe that we are all reliant on each other. I believe there is nothing that separates us… from the souls of the silent trees, to the innocent lives of animals we terminate each day, to the “higher” power we call God, to you, the reader, and I, the speaker…
I believe in peace. I believe in love. I believe that words influence more change than violence. I believe in the universe, and that we are each a fragment of the universal stream. I believe we shape the future based on our present beliefs.