“Feeling” Life


Life can suck.

Sometimes, it’s nice to simply indulge in those feelings and experience the pain and loneliness to the fullest. In doing so however, we must remember to not stay in that abyss. Part of the human experience is to feel emotions- really have a sense of how different experiences affect your mentality. It can be really nice being sad at times, and allowing yourself to cry everything out. We must eventually remember to get back on our feet though. Recognize a time for change; a new start. This time, set your intentions on differences you can make in your lifestyle to have an elongated sense of happiness. Once you get through tough times in your journey, you are able to recognize the moments that take your breath away. These are the moments that remind you what it is to feel alive and remind you of the idea that moments should be savored because everything is subject to change.

Emotions should be felt. Emotions should not be bottled up inside. Let it out. Do not feel ashamed, because YOU ARE HUMAN AND EVERYBODY TRULY UNDERSTANDS. Scream if you need to, run around the block when you’re so full of excitement and zest, breakdown in your car while listening to the saddest music. Do whatever it is that you need to do in order to have an outlet for your feelings.

Through acknowledging those feelings, you can put yourself in the moment. Live that experience to the fullest and have something worth feeling emotions about. Too many of us become surrounded by emotions instead of being the emotion. We sometimes forget how to feel; we forget how to let our soul live, and instead let our mind take over…


No, I’m Not Mixed (2018)


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