a note for You


This one is for You.  

For me, you serve as a reflection for all of existence.  A mirror for the core of creation… You are a light.  The most luminous light which emits nothing but love.  You are a reminder for what it means to be human- a sense of innocence with control.  There is no obstacle which you are not capable of surmounting.  Allow yourself to experience your bright light.  Do not be blinded by your own light, for you have all of the resources to pull yourself out of the dark.  

In You, I am able to see Me.  Someone I am capable of being… someone I have already become, yet haven’t fully accepted.  In you, I remember who I Am.  Who I want to be. Purity.  Liberated.  I feel capable of hiking on the earthly realm while still floating amongst the universal current.

You are loved graciously and eternally.  Through the love I radiate to You, I am reminded that nothing but love surrounds me.  Through seeing you as entirety, I feel the pulse of creation; I feel the love that fills the endless vibrations around me.

Always remember you are nothing but love.  Creating, radiating, receiving nothing but love.
With love and light,



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